Be the Leader People Want to Work with.

Uncover blindspots causing self-doubt in your ability to lead an effective team without feeling in over your head.
Take Leadership Assessment

Be the leader that confidently knows how to motivate and inspire teams without working harder or wasting time.



Where are you now?



Where do you want to be?

Get Results

Get Results

Feel Confident.

The results come from an executive coaching system designed for leadership excellence.


Leadership is changing, time to up your game with a mindset shift that creates results in your work day.

Phil Pinto, Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Identify and engage with your blind spots so that you let go of doubting yourself and build on the abilities that have made you successful.

Away from work in a confidential, detached environment, you can start seeing blind spots as an opportunity to make adjustments that level up your game.

ELI Leadership Assessment

Consciously shift your thoughts, perceptions and actions towards being more motivating and inspirational. 

Assessing where you are is the first step.  Work with a road map that pinpoints what is holding you back!

Executive Coaching starts here with the Leadership Assessment

Executive Coaching Testimonial from Tara Wayns“If you are ready to address the things that are blocking you from living up to your true potential as a leader, Phil can partner with you to unlock this. He has done this for me. I have left each coaching session energized, proud of my strength and encouraged around my development areas. His practical advice, supportive style and personable approach makes him incredibly impactful as well as a gem to work with. ”

Tara Wayns, Vice President


Executive Coaching Testimonial from Nicole Scangarella-Oman“Able to think with more of a growth mindset and acknowledge what sometimes holds me back. Becoming more comfortable in not knowing the details and being okay with not knowing everything. Realization that what got me here, won’t get me to the next stage of my career. ”

Nicole Scangarella-Oman, Scientific Director

“If you are ready to address the things that are blocking you from living up to your true potential as a leader, Phil can partner with you to unlock this. He has done this for me. I have left each coaching session energized, proud of my strength and encouraged around my development areas. His practical advice, supportive style and personable approach makes him incredibly impactful as well as a gem to work with. ”

Tara Wayns, Vice President


“Able to think with more of a growth mindset and acknowledge what sometimes holds me back. Becoming more comfortable in not knowing the details and being okay with not knowing everything. Realization that what got me here, won’t get me to the next stage of my career. ”

Nicole Scangarella-Oman, Scientific Director

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